Custom Sheet Number

Modificato il: novembre 14,2016  
Download: 465  


Descrizione:This macro was written by Leon Wurr and was posted on the SolidWorks Forum, I did a few minor tweaks to get the Sheet 1 of ? note in the right place. This is my most used and the best Macro that I have and it is designed for multiple page drawings where you need a cover sheet or multiple cover sheets and you don't want those sheet to be numbered. The most awesome thing about this macro is it can be used for many applications, such as a detailed Quote form, Work Order, ECN, ECR and project note sheets, that way everything is in one file.
    Pre-condizione: Must be in a drawing
  Post-condizione: Multiple page drawing - Cover Drawing Tabs must have the word COVER in the tab to not be counted as the overall page or pages
Versione SOLIDWORKS: Unknown
Lingua di programmazione: SW_VBA


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John Stoltzfus

Utente dal: 26/09/2005
Titolo: Designer
Special Equipment Design Custom Furniture Design
Phillies, Hunting, Fishing, Solid Modeling
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