Save PDF, Dwg and Step with REVISION

Modificato il: luglio 25,2019  
Download: 3033  


Descrizione:This macro save active drawing as PDF, DWG and STEP with Revision ex: namefileA.DWG With the drawing open activating the macro it will save the active document in pdf, dwg and step with the revision. For the review to work your drawing sheet must have the Rev property
    Pre-condizione: Any active drawing to be saved. ' '.
  Post-condizione: Postcondition: Active drawing will be saved as PDF, DWG and STEP in the same location as drawing. Precondition: Your drawing sheet must have property variable "Rev"
Versione SOLIDWORKS: Unknown
Lingua di programmazione: SW_VBA


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Matheus Piccolo

Utente dal: 11/09/2012
Titolo: Designer
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